Donna Ticinese

Forum Donna Ticinese

Donna Ticinese is a forum that hosts female users who want to tell, share, and learn a bit ‘all the topics that surround them. The themes can be listed as follows:

  • Family (partner, children, the single life, marriage, etc.)
  • Health (health and medicine, pregnancy, special diets)
  • Leisure (film, TV, books, gossip, music, animals, travel, shopping, fashion, sports, etc.)
  • Home & Garden (cooking and recipes, home decor and garden, life as a housewife)
  • Work and school (profession, working conditions, education)

On request it is possible to revise the categories reorganizing, adding and removing some of the other.

Forum project

Si tratta di un forum femminile che suddivide propriamente gli argomenti di tutti i giorni in categorie specifiche. Vi è una gerarchia precisa dei permessi degli utenti; si differenziano utenti nuovi, utenti, moderatori, moderatori globali e amministratori. Dal punto di vista del design, si è scelto di puntare su una grafica dai colori molto femminili, elegante e, soprattutto, chiara e funzionale.La gestione dei profili è alquanto semplice, ma al contempo completa; tra informazioni personali, firma, avatar, dati statistici, configurazione personalizzabile, messaggistica privata, gestione amici ecc. si può veramente definire il profilo come esauriente.

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Woman Ticinese is a forum that is home to female users who want to tell, share, and learn a bit ‘all the topics that surround them. The themes can be listed as follows:

It is a women’s forum, which divides the everyday arguments in specific categories. There is a clear hierarchy of permissions for users; we differ new users, users, moderators, global moderators and administrators. From the point of view of design, has chosen to focus on a very feminine color graphics, elegant and, above all, clear and functional. La profile management is quite simple and complete; includes management of personal information, signature, avatar, statistical data, custom configuration, private messaging, friends, etc… You can really define the profile exhaustively.

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Forum Donna Ticinese screenshot

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